Thursday 8 March 2007

Marginal hate

It's good news all around on the "netroots" front! Referring to recent polls, Chris Bowers writes (MyDD :: Two New National Polls):

[I]t is heartening to see that nearly half of all respondents refused to refuse to support any of the candidates during the primary season. And what's up with the marginal candidates having so many haters?
Why the puzzlement? Why not celebrate both effects as victories for the "netroots"? On the one hand, 50% support for anyone (which is a pack led by the likes of Clinton and Obama) endorses the

"[almost] any Democrat will do" gradualism. At the same time, the effort to marginalize and denigrate principled candidates ("trophy candidate", "height becomes relevant", "New Age pap") can be claimed to be yielding payoffs based on the second finding (haters for marginal candidates). This is no time to rest on laurels -- work remains for only 11% of respondents hate Kucinich, as opposed to 100% of the "netroots"! The people, as is their ignorant wont, trail the leaders significantly.