Saturday 3 March 2007

The appropriate use of "faggot"

From the "he didn't just put it that way, did he?" department we have Matt Stoller (MyDD :: Direct Democracy for People-Powered Politics) outraged by Coulter referring to Edwards as a "faggot". The thing that seems to bother Stoller is that Coulter called Edwards a "faggot":

Anyway, one thing to keep in mind, aside from the conservative uncoolness, is that she called a major Democratic candidate a faggot. Ok, she's an entertainer, so whatever. But keep in mind that prior to her appearance, most major Republican Presidential candidates appeared on the stage to make appeals to the audience. I wonder if they support Coulter's statement. Do they think it's appropriate to call John Edwards a faggot?
Well, this raises the question of whether Stoller thinks it is appropriate to call anyone (including a gay person) a faggot? Whether the person is a major Democratic candidate is irrelevant. The issue here is not what Edwards was called, but that someone used the term "faggot". Surely Stoller can see that?