Here is Chris Bowers' (MyDD :: Trying To Tie This All Together...) plaintive appeal to be taken seriously, now that one of the adults, er we mean "major candidates" has echoed his personal stance on Iraq:
Bill Richardson appears to be the first major candidate to articulate my personal stance on Iraq. It was sweet for a candidate to not only state that he was for full withdrawal, but to also, you know, actually propose total withdrawal in policy terms. I was excited about this, because I have regularly seen my position dismissed as naïve, not serious, and a bunch of other patronizing terms. However, with Bill Richardson making the argument, this position can't be brushed off as "not serious" or "naïve" anymore without belying [sic] obvious intellectual dishonesty on the part of the person making the dismissal.He probably means "betray" not "bely". But more importantly, he should mean "Kucinich" when he writes "major candidate", not "Richardson". Such a correction would be intellectually honest and serious. To expect the correction would of course be naive on our part.
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