Sunday 25 February 2007

In it only to win it?

One more thing needs to be added to the previous post. You can call yourself a leftist, liberal, or progressive in the [decreasing] order in which you are threatened by the right's stigmatisation of us. But you cannot call yourself any one of these things if you are concerned with nothing more than winning, at the end of the day. We are the minority, by the very nature of things. No "50 state strategy" or "frame" is going to change that. And that status is something that we should embrace gladly, for it means that we are pushing the limits of human socio-political thought (ethics, morality, liberty, and all those words and ideas that we should find no embarrassment in).

Without doubt, it is necessary to truck with various creatures and entities in pursuit of furthering our ideas. But it is a pathetic betrayal of principles to drown in such compromises, to the point where we are able to write that someone's height or similar factors are legitimate targets because of some alleged attitude of the person. We oppose discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual identity, race (and I would assume other factors such as height) based on fundamental principles. And these principles are what we are willing to abandon in order to dismiss a candidate who is principled because his presence does not suit our agenda.

We might as well go the whole hog then! Republicans, much more worthy targets than Kucinich, have candidates who are Italian American, or Catholic, or women, or black (for Presidential and Senate races). Why not employ anti-Catholic, racist, sexist criteria too, to shoot these people down?