Sunday 11 February 2007

Left speechless

Here's how it happened: to beef up his net cred Edwards hires two bloggers. Blogging being what it is, it is not too long before someone digs up some colourful opinions by said bloggers from the past. Cue opportunist religious nut to jump in and threaten the pretty boy from Carolina (read the details at ABC News). Enter the rest of the blogosphere until we have MyDD -- don't get your hopes up, there be no big boobs to be had there -- challenging the "religious left" to counter the attack from their fellow fairy-tale believers:

MyDD :: Step Up, Religious Left

It's time for the religious left to step up and stop letting these bigots speak for them.
Richard Dawkins

Yes indeed. But then again, when the non-religious left has this guy speak for them, or at least making the loudest noises, can you blame the religious left for lying low? It is not often that a fool comes around who can make us feel sympathetic and almost in agreement with a leader of the Christian right.

Full props nevertheless to the two ladies!